The Future of Accredited Employers and Migrant Workers in New Zealand: Opportunities and Challenges

Discover how accredited employers and migrant workers in New Zealand can prepare for a successful future.
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Last Updated On June 3, 2023
Contributors: Denise Renshaw. Edited By Inder Singh & Reviewed by Simar Singh.

New Zealand is a country that welcomes migrant workers and values their contributions to its economy and society. The Accredited Employer Scheme is a crucial aspect of New Zealand's immigration policy that allows skilled workers from overseas to work in the country. Accredited employers play a vital role in this scheme by hiring migrant workers and providing them with a pathway to residency. In this blog, we will explore the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead for accredited employers and migrant workers in New Zealand and how they can prepare for a successful future.


New Zealand's economy is growing, and with it, the demand for skilled workers. Accredited employers have an opportunity to tap into a global pool of talent and fill skill shortages in various industries. Migrant workers can contribute their skills, knowledge, and cultural diversity to New Zealand's workforce, creating a more innovative and dynamic workplace.

Furthermore, the Accredited Employer Scheme offers a pathway to residency for skilled workers, making New Zealand an attractive destination for talented individuals looking for long-term opportunities. By hiring migrant workers and supporting their integration into New Zealand society, accredited employers can benefit from a loyal and dedicated workforce.


Despite the many opportunities, there are also challenges that accredited employers and migrant workers face in New Zealand. One of the significant challenges is the cost and time involved in obtaining accreditation. To become an accredited employer, companies need to meet specific criteria, which can be a lengthy and expensive process.

Moreover, the recent COVID-19 pandemic has created new challenges for migrant workers in New Zealand. The pandemic has led to job losses and economic uncertainty, affecting many migrant workers' ability to maintain their residency status. Employers also face new challenges in hiring migrant workers due to border closures and travel restrictions.

Preparing for the Future

To prepare for a successful future, accredited employers and migrant workers need to adapt to these challenges and seize opportunities. Accredited employers should focus on creating a diverse and inclusive workplace that welcomes migrant workers and supports their integration into New Zealand society. By providing mentorship, language classes, and cultural training, employers can help migrant workers feel valued and supported in their new workplace.

Migrant workers should also take advantage of the many resources available to them, such as the government's Settlement Support program. By participating in these programs, migrant workers can improve their language skills, make new connections, and learn more about New Zealand's culture and society.


In conclusion, the Accredited Employer Scheme offers significant opportunities for both accredited employers and migrant workers in New Zealand. However, there are also challenges that both parties need to address to prepare for a successful future. By adapting to these challenges and seizing opportunities, accredited employers and migrant workers can contribute to New Zealand's economy and society while building a better future for themselves and their families.