The Power of Employer Accreditation for NZ’s Accommodation and Food Services Industry

Employer accreditation: A strategic tool for growth in New Zealand's Accommodation and Food Services industry.
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Last Updated On June 2, 2023
Contributors: Denise Renshaw. Edited By Inder Singh & Reviewed by Simar Singh.

The Accommodation and Food Services industry, a cornerstone of New Zealand's vibrant economy, is a broad sector that encompasses a diverse range of businesses. From hotels and motels to restaurants, cafes, and other hospitality establishments, this industry is a dynamic and ever-evolving landscape. As the industry continues to expand, the demand for skilled and dedicated workers is on the rise. One strategic approach to meeting this demand is through employer accreditation. This comprehensive article delves into the concept of employer accreditation and how it can serve as a catalyst for growth and success in New Zealand's Accommodation and Food Services industry.

Understanding Employer Accreditation

Before we delve into the benefits, it's crucial to understand what employer accreditation entails. In essence, employer accreditation is a recognition awarded to businesses that demonstrate a steadfast commitment to good employment practices and a genuine need to recruit overseas workers. Accredited employers are granted the privilege to support migrant workers for a Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa, thereby simplifying the process of recruiting skilled overseas workers.

The Benefits of Employer Accreditation

  1. Attracting Global Talent: One of the most significant advantages of employer accreditation is the ability to attract talent from across the globe. The Accommodation and Food Services industry often has roles that are challenging to fill locally. With employer accreditation, businesses can tap into a global pool of talent, attracting skilled overseas workers who bring fresh perspectives, diverse experiences, and unique skills to the table. This global talent can infuse the industry with innovative ideas and practices, driving growth and success.
  2. Streamlined Hiring Process: Hiring overseas workers often involves navigating a complex and time-consuming process. However, as accredited employers, businesses can enjoy a streamlined visa process. This efficiency makes it quicker and easier to bring in overseas workers, significantly reducing the time it takes to fill vacancies. The ability to respond swiftly to staffing needs can give businesses a competitive edge, enabling them to adapt and thrive in a fast-paced industry.
  3. Enhanced Reputation: Employer accreditation is more than just a stamp of approval; it's a mark of quality that enhances a business's reputation. It signals to potential employees, customers, and the wider community that the business is committed to good employment practices. This commitment can make the business more attractive to both potential employees and customers, fostering trust and loyalty. In an industry where reputation can make or break a business, this enhanced credibility can be a game-changer.
  4. Employee Retention: Employee retention is a critical concern for any business, and the Accommodation and Food Services industry is no exception. By offering a pathway to a work visa, accredited employers can help overseas workers feel more secure and valued. This sense of security can lead to higher job satisfaction, fostering a positive work environment that encourages employees to stay with the business for the long term. Lower staff turnover can reduce costs and contribute to a stable, experienced workforce.

Deep Dive Into the Benefits

While the above points provide an overview of the benefits, let's delve deeper into each one to fully understand the impact of employer accreditation on the Accommodation and Food Services industry.

  • Attracting Global Talent: In a globalized world, diversity is a strength. By attracting overseas workers, businesses can foster a multicultural work environment that reflects the diverse clientele they serve. This diversity can lead to innovative ideas, improved problem-solving, and a broader range of skills and experiences. It can also enhance the business's cultural competency, enabling it to cater to a diverse customer base effectively.
  • Streamlined Hiring Process: In a fast-paced industry, time is of the essence. The ability to fill vacancies quickly can ensure that businesses can maintain high service standards, even during peak periods. A streamlined hiring process can also reduce the administrative burden on businesses, freeing up resources that can be used to enhance other aspects of the business.
  • Enhanced Reputation: In today's digital age, where online reviews and social media can significantly impact a business's reputation, being recognized as an accredited employer can be a powerful marketing tool. It can enhance the business's online presence and attract positive attention. Moreover, it can also help attract ethical consumers who prefer to support businesses that treat their employees well.
  • Employee Retention: High staff turnover can be costly and disruptive. It can lead to inconsistency in service, lower morale among remaining staff, and increased costs associated with recruiting and training new employees. By improving employee retention, businesses can provide a consistent, high-quality service that keeps customers coming back.

The Long-Term Impact of Employer Accreditation

While the benefits of employer accreditation are clear, it's important to note that these benefits can have a long-term impact on the business and the industry as a whole. By attracting and retaining skilled workers, businesses can ensure they have the workforce they need to grow and thrive. This can lead to increased productivity, improved service quality, and higher customer satisfaction.

Moreover, by enhancing the industry's reputation, employer accreditation can attract more customers and drive growth in the industry. It can also attract more investment into the industry, leading to further growth and development.


In conclusion, employer accreditation is a strategic tool that can drive growth and success in New Zealand's Accommodation and Food Services industry. By attracting global talent, streamlining the hiring process, enhancing reputation, and improving employee retention, employer accreditation can provide businesses with a competitive edge in a dynamic and evolving industry.

As the industry continues to grow, businesses that leverage the power of employer accreditation will be well-positioned to seize new opportunities and navigate the challenges that lie ahead. In this way, employer accreditation is not just a pathway to growth for individual businesses, but a catalyst for the continued growth and success of New Zealand's Accommodation and Food Services industry as a whole.