Overcoming the High Cost of Recruitment: How Employer Accreditation Can Benefit New Zealand Companies

Employer Accreditation offers access to skilled workers, faster visa processing times, cost savings, and increased innovation for NZ companies.
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Last Updated On June 18, 2023
Contributors: Denise Renshaw. Edited By Inder Singh & Reviewed by Simar Singh.

Recruiting skilled workers can be a challenge for New Zealand companies. The competition for talent is high, and the process of recruiting new employees can be costly and time-consuming. However, there is a solution that many companies overlook: Employer Accreditation. In this article, we will explore how Employer Accreditation can benefit New Zealand companies and help them overcome the high cost of recruitment.

What Is Employer Accreditation?

Employer Accreditation is a process that allows employers in New Zealand to recruit skilled migrant workers from overseas. It recognizes and rewards companies for their commitment to fair employment practices, workplace health and safety, and professional development for their employees. Accreditation programs vary by country, but they all share the common goal of promoting responsible and ethical employment practices.

The Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) program is the primary employer accreditation program in New Zealand. It allows employers to recruit skilled migrant workers from overseas, and it requires employers to meet certain criteria related to their business practices, financial viability, and commitment to training and developing their employees.

Benefits of Employer Accreditation

Employer Accreditation offers several benefits to companies in New Zealand, including:

  1. Access to Skilled Workers: The primary benefit of Employer Accreditation is access to a pool of skilled migrant workers who are already in New Zealand. This can be especially beneficial for companies that have difficulty finding the talent they need locally.
  2. Faster Processing Times: Employers who are accredited under the AEWV program can benefit from faster processing times for work visa applications. This can help companies to recruit and onboard new employees more quickly.
  3. Longer Work Visas: Accredited employers can sponsor migrant workers for longer periods of time than non-accredited employers. This can help companies to retain skilled workers for longer periods, reducing recruitment costs and ensuring continuity in their workforce.
  4. Improved Reputation: Employer Accreditation can enhance a company's reputation and improve its brand image. Companies that are accredited are recognized for their commitment to responsible and ethical employment practices, which can help them to attract customers who value socially responsible companies.
  5. Cost Savings: Employer Accreditation can lead to cost savings for companies. By hiring skilled migrant workers who are already in New Zealand, companies can save money on recruitment costs and training expenses.
  6. Increased Innovation: Skilled migrant workers can bring new perspectives and ideas to companies, which can lead to increased innovation and competitiveness.

How to Get Accredited

To obtain Employer Accreditation in New Zealand, employers must meet certain criteria related to their business practices, financial viability, and commitment to training and developing their employees. The criteria for accreditation under the AEWV program include:

  • Meeting minimum turnover and profitability requirements
  • Demonstrating a commitment to training and developing employees
  • Providing evidence of good business practices and financial viability
  • Offering terms and conditions of employment that are consistent with New Zealand employment laws and standards

Employers must apply for accreditation under the AEWV program and undergo a site visit by an accrediting body. Once accredited, employers can use the accreditation logo on their website, job postings, and other marketing materials to signal their commitment to responsible and ethical employment practices.

Challenges of Employer Accreditation

While Employer Accreditation offers significant benefits to companies, it is not without its challenges. Some of the challenges of Employer Accreditation in New Zealand include:

  1. Cost: The process of obtaining Employer Accreditation can be costly for companies. There are fees associated with the application process and site visits, and companies may need to invest in training and development programs to meet the criteria for accreditation.
  2. Time: The process of obtaining Employer Accreditation can be time-consuming for companies. The application process and site visitors can take several months, and companies may need to invest additional time in developing training and development programs for their employees.
  3. Limited Pool of Skilled Workers: While Employer Accreditation can provide access to a pool of skilled migrant workers, the number of workers available may be limited. This can be especially challenging for companies in industries where there is a high demand for skilled workers.
  4. Language and Cultural Barriers: Hiring skilled migrant workers can present language and cultural barriers for companies. Companies may need to invest in language training and cultural competency programs to ensure that their employees can effectively communicate and collaborate with each other.


Employer Accreditation can offer significant benefits to companies in New Zealand, including access to skilled migrant workers, faster processing times for work visa applications, longer work visas, improved reputation, cost savings, and increased innovation.

To obtain accreditation, employers must meet certain criteria related to their business practices, financial viability, and commitment to training and developing their employees.

While Employer Accreditation is not without its challenges, it can be a powerful tool for companies looking to overcome the high cost of recruitment and access the talent they need to succeed in a competitive global market.

To overcome the challenges of employer accreditation, book a consultation with us. We will help you smoothen things.