The Ultimate Guide to Obtaining and Maintaining AEWV Accreditation in New Zealand

Learn everything you need to know about AEWV accreditation, eligibility criteria, and visa conditions in New Zealand.
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Last Updated On June 3, 2023
Contributors: Denise Renshaw. Edited By Simar Singh & Reviewed by Yongtian Liu.

New Zealand has been known for its friendly and welcoming attitude towards migrants, making it a popular destination for people looking to work and live abroad. The Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) program provides a great opportunity for New Zealand employers to hire skilled workers from overseas. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about obtaining and maintaining AEWV accreditation in New Zealand.

What is the AEWV Program and Why Go for It?

The AEWV program is designed to provide skilled workers with an opportunity to work and live in New Zealand. Employers who have been approved as Accredited Employers by Immigration New Zealand can offer job opportunities to foreign workers who possess the required skills and experience. This visa allows successful applicants to work for a specified period of time and potentially apply for residency in New Zealand.

As an employer in New Zealand, the AEWV program provides a great opportunity to hire skilled workers from overseas. With this visa, your company can offer job opportunities to foreign workers who possess the required skills and experience and work for at least 30 hours per week. This program also allows your employees to study for up to 3 months in any 12-month period, or do any study required as part of their employment, which can further enhance their skills and add value to your company.

How to Ensure Employee Eligibility for AEWV Program?

In order for your employees to be eligible for the AEWV program, they must meet certain criteria such as being aged 55 or younger, meeting English language requirements, and meeting health and character requirements for residence. Additionally, your employees must be working for an accredited employer, which means your company must have been approved by Immigration New Zealand as an Accredited Employer.

To become an Accredited Employer, your company must demonstrate a commitment to employing and training New Zealanders, have good workplace practices, and meet other eligibility criteria. Immigration New Zealand will assess your company’s ability to meet these requirements before approving your application.

What are the Visa Conditions for Employees Under the AEWV Program?

It's important to understand the visa conditions for your employees under the AEWV program. The visa is valid for up to 3 years if your employee is paid at or above the New Zealand median wage of NZD $29.66 an hour, and for up to 2 years if they are paid below the median wage. It's important to ensure that your employees are paid fairly and meet the visa conditions to avoid any issues with their visa status.

Under the AEWV program, your employee may be able to support a work visa for their partner and visitor or student visas for their dependent children. However, you can only support your dependent child's visitor or student visa if you earn at least NZD $43,322.76 each year.

Maintaining AEWV Accreditation

Once you have obtained AEWV accreditation, it's important to maintain it. Your company will need to meet ongoing requirements such as demonstrating a commitment to employing and training New Zealanders, maintaining good workplace practices, and complying with all relevant employment and immigration laws.

If your company fails to meet these requirements, your AEWV accreditation may be revoked, and your employees' visas may be canceled. It's important to stay up-to-date with any changes to the AEWV program and to ensure that your company is always in compliance.

Benefits of AEWV Accreditation

Obtaining and maintaining AEWV accreditation provides numerous benefits for both employers and employees. As an employer, you can hire skilled workers from overseas who possess the required skills and experience, and potentially address the skills gap in your organization. The AEWV program also allows you to support work visas for your employees' partners and visitor or student visas for their dependent children.

For employees, the AEWV program provides an opportunity to work and live in New Zealand, potentially apply for residency, and study for up to 3 months in any 12-month period. Successful employees may also be eligible for a Straight Residence Visa or other Work to Residence Visas, which can provide long-term benefits for both your company and your employees.

How to Apply for AEWV Accreditation?

To apply for AEWV accreditation, you will need to complete an online application and provide supporting documentation. This documentation may include evidence of your commitment to employing and training New Zealanders, evidence of your workplace practices, and other relevant information.

Immigration New Zealand will assess your application and may request additional information or a site visit to assess your workplace practices. If your application is approved, your company will be added to the Accredited Employer List, and you will be able to offer job opportunities to foreign workers under the AEWV program.

Getting Expert Advice and Consultation

Obtaining and maintaining AEWV accreditation can be a complex process, and it's important to get expert advice and consultation to ensure that your company is meeting all requirements and maintaining compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. Our expert team can provide you with the guidance, support, and resources you need to achieve your goals.

We offer personalized consultations to guide employers through the accreditation process and ensure that your company is meeting all requirements. Our website also provides comprehensive information and guidance on the visa conditions and requirements, so you can ensure that your employees are able to work for your company and that their families can join them in New Zealand.


Obtaining and maintaining AEWV accreditation in New Zealand provides numerous benefits for both employers and employees. As an employer, you can hire skilled workers from overseas and potentially address the skills gap in your organization. For employees, the AEWV program provides an opportunity to work and live in New Zealand, potentially apply for residency, and study for up to 3 months in any 12-month period.

It's important to understand the eligibility criteria, visa conditions, and ongoing requirements for maintaining AEWV accreditation. Getting expert advice and consultation can help ensure that your company is meeting all requirements and maintaining compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.

We hope this ultimate guide has provided you with the information and resources you need to obtain and maintain AEWV accreditation in New Zealand.